The Interest In News And Current Affairs Programs Is On The Rise During The State Emergency


Bulgarian viewers appreciate bTV Media Group’s shift of content focus on news and current affairs shows during the COVID-19 epidemic, according to a recent independent survey, and people meter data and online statistics for March 2020.

After the state of emergency was declared, bTV introduced programming changes fully in line with the current priorities of the company: to protect the people’s health and to make sure that the media will be able to inform Bulgarians at any time via regular and breaking newscasts, current affairs and other special live studios, dedicated to the epidemic.

According to a nationally representative quantitative survey, conducted by *Market Links in the period 27-30 March, television is the main source of information for 73% of the respondents regarding all COVID-19 topics since the announcement of the state of emergency.

bTV is the most trusted broadcaster for news and current affairs content according to 58,4% of the respondents, and covers the coronavirus news in the best and most professional way for 39,4%. bTV is pointed out as the most reliable TV source on the topic as well, according to 40,2% of the survey participants. Nearly 41% obtain the fullest picture of the situation from bTV. Respondents define the channel also as the TV source delivering the most useful information (39,3%). bTV has the most interesting guests in its current affairs shows (42,6%), as well as the best hosts (42,8%) and reporters (42,3%).


Nearly 50% of the respondents in the survey want to keep receiving the current amount of information on COVID-19 on TV. Over 76% want to watch special live broadcasts on the topic, and even more - 79%, want to follow the live briefings. Breaking news related to COVID-19 are highly appreciated by 80% of the respondents and overall, other important messages on the topic are of interest to 88,1%.

The findings of Market Links are corroborated also by GARB’s data for March. The special bTV broadcast The COVID-19 Crisis: All you Need to Know, aired on March 19th at 7:30 pm, has attracted more than 40% of all viewers (4+).

The interest in the central newscast of bTV News since March 13th, when the National Assembly voted the announcement of a state of emergency in Bulgaria, has been increasing to reach an average of nearly 41% of all viewers in front of the TV screen (GARB, 13-30 March, 4+).

In terms of current affairs, Face to Face is the audience choice in the afternoon, with 36,7% share. The show 120 Minutes retains a traditionally strong interest, attracting 31% of all viewers. During the pandemic the leaders in the morning timeslots This Morning and This Saturday and Sunday reaffirmed their positions with average shares of nearly 39% and 30%, respectively (13-30 March, 4+).

The strongly increased interest in news content, devoted to the COVID-19 pandemic, is visible also in digital. For the period 1-30 March, the website reports nearly 4.87 million users, more than three times in number as compared to the same period last year.



Nationally representative quantitative survey, type Omnibus, among the adult population (18+), 1,003 full interviews.