
Стивън Макманъми е криейтив директор в рекламната агенция BBDO Atlanta, затова не е чудно, че неговите колажи са много оригинални и професионално „пипнати“. Повечето снимки в колажите са негово дело. Само в някои случаи, когато например „наблизо няма много слонове, а и не е толкова лесно да отидеш до Африка“, ползва чужди фотографии.

Тук подбрахме някои от най-свежите идеи на Стивън, а в края на галерията можете да видите репортажа на CNN за него.



tree trunk + elephant trunk I've been wanting to do something with an elephant for a while now, but two things happened with that, I never felt like I had a super solid idea and I don't have access to elephants. Like ever. Cut to me in the Bahamas over thanksgiving and I couldn't help but notice how a lot of the palm trees grew low out the ground and every one of them looked like an elephant head... to me anyway. So that's what rattled around in my head and it quickly led to me obsessing over how to find a way to combine the two. And though I prefer to shoot these #combophotos myself, I also knew my elephant access was super limited. So rather than booking a flight to Africa I went online trying to find the perfect elephant. Which I did and what I found just so happened to work perfectly. This beautiful elephant image was captured behind the lens of Jez Bennett, a phenomenal nature photographer based in Zimbabwe. Huge thanks to Jez and please check out more of his work at... jezbennett.com And a final thanks to the world wide web for being so world wide.

A photo posted by stephen mcmennamy (@smcmennamy) on



excavator + ice cream cone just a slight refresh of a past #combophoto.

A photo posted by stephen mcmennamy (@smcmennamy) on














Тагове: колажи Instagram арт