For the second year in a row, is the news site with the largest audience

42% of users visit the site at least once a week, according to the latest annual report of Reuters Institute


The bTV news website has biggest weekly reach among the online media in Bulgaria. This is according to the 2023 annual report of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford.

42% of users visit at least once a week, and 34% read the articles at least three days each week, which gives the site first place over other online media.

Analysts mark the digital innovations and the most significant digital moves from TV stations, including podcasts such as NEWSROOM with Anton Hekimyan and the new business platform

Online media continue to be the main source of information, with most Bulgarians - 76% - following current events on the Internet, followed by TV channels as source of information for 63%.

For second year in a row, bTV is among the top offline media in the prestigious survey. 59% of Bulgarians watch bTV News every week, and 50% of them - at least three days a week.