bTV News With A Completely Revamped Mobile App

bTV News launched a full update to its free mobile app


Through its redesign and a number of improvements, the renewed bTV News app makes the access even more convenient for users who want to be quickly and easily informed about all the latest news from Bulgaria and the world - anywhere, anytime and on all types of mobile devices. The improved intuitive navigation is one of the main advantages of the new product.

The updated mobile app further facilitates real-time access to the content on and makes the viewing of videos and photo galleries more convenient and fast.

It features specially designed advertising positions to provide the best possible visibility of client campaigns. At the same time, the advertising presence in the app does not make it difficult for users to access the content.

The app is completely free for mobile devices operating on Android and iOS. For Android it can be downloaded here and for iOS here.

In the second half of last year, bTV News provided another opportunity for viewers to be active participants in the news flow. The well-known platform for viewer alerts "I, the reporter" is now in the form of a separate app where users can send their alerts.