bTV Radio Group Enriches the Consumer Experience with Special Radio Formats

During the new season of The Farm, the most positive reality show on the Bulgarian air, Radio N-JOY and bTV Radio will actively extend the format with unique content. The last year segment on bTV Radio "Bulgarians with Direction" returns with improvements, with contestants from The Farm or successful Bulgarians visiting the studio every week. Together with the hosts they will comment on the division between poor and rich, what divides Bulgarians in general, and what different people consider as poverty and wealth. Also invited will be Bulgarians who have succeeded or gained experience abroad, and who are returning to Bulgaria. The segment will be aimed at entrepreneurs and young, active people.
The personal stories of the guests in the studio will prove that with a brave heart, courage and luck, everyone can fulfill their dream - to develop their talent and potential, to start a successful business and to build on it. This section enables various sponsors and partners to associate their products and services with quality content in support of the Bulgarian business.
The radios, part of bTV Radio Group, strive to encourage interest in learning about Bulgarian history, so each week the programs of Radio N-JOY and bTV Radio will broadcast different stories and short facts recorded with guests from the “Bulgarian History” organization. They will aim to give a broader scope to Bulgaria's history for reviving forgotten persons and episodes from the near and far past.
Radio N-JOY will offer its listeners a fun game dedicated to the "Naughty Grannies" from "The Farm". They will share recipes for making banitsa and other traditional Bulgarian dishes, as well as the intricacies of their preparation. Along with the recipes, short sponsored bumpers with catchy text will be broadcast, mentioning the sponsor's product/service. For example: "With Dr. Oetker's baking powder, making a phenomenal bunt cake is guaranteed! Just don't be stingy and add another egg."
The fresh and fun Radio N-JOY will look for the talent of Bulgaria, in parallel with the television format. Every week from the beginning to the end of the show on a selected day we will draw attention to the "Talent" - not only the one on stage, but also within us and our children. With a variety of studio guests, including athletes, actors, stage performers, psychologists and other intriguing interviewees, we will discuss "How we can find talent and refine it."
We will present a good example through different personalities who have been able to find their talent and can inspire others to find their own. We will try to awaken the Talent and the belief in each listener. We will seek answers to questions like what talent is, how to explore it, how we can unlock it and develop it. Of course, examples on the air will also be discussed.
At the end of this year's edition of "Bulgaria's Got Talent", Radio N-JOY will lend a hand to a chosen talent and become the platform where they will be able to further develop their abilities. The talent will be presented with the opportunity to become a content creator and to appear with their own segment on the national air of Radio N-JOY. For our clients and partners we have prepared opportunities for non-standard presence with product placement in the segment itself.
bTV Radio Group
Sales department
Sofia 1463
Bulgaria sq. No. 1
National Palace of Culture, 11th floor
Тel. (+359) 2 8039 090
e-mail: [email protected]