360° Live Stream & 360° Live Stream Tutorials
The live formats of the Fall season of The Voice and The Farm will again this year provide viewers with a special 360° experience

Following the grand finales in 2022, this year we will also be able to offer the exclusive opportunity to film with 360° cameras and broadcast live via a high-tech presence on the pages of The Farm and The Voice of Bulgaria during the big finales. Through special 3D cut in shapes we will position your product or service in the most important battles of the shows - the finals where the physical exertion is extremely high, the voices are the loudest and the moments the most tense. During the Live Stream, viewer interest is extremely high, which will ensure maximum brand exposure. We also expect great viewer engagement and interaction with comments and emotions during the YouTube stream.
Tutorial videos featuring the 360° activation also provide a unique and exclusive opportunity to position a product or service, as we can engage the audience with an unconventional approach for the giveaway.
Here you can find a reference for the 360° Live Stream capture with activations from previous seasons of both formats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyxRwP5MxQI
For more information you can contact the Digital Sales department at [email protected]