Radio N-JOY Is Looking For The Inspirational Woman

The radio is running a game with special prizes for the special woman


How often do we get a chance to say "Thank you" to the important women in our lives? We at Radio N-JOY believe that we should always find time for this and we offer an elegant way for our listeners to do so. In early March, the favorite pop radio organizes a game in which we look for the Woman with a capital "W", the woman muse and the source of inspiration. Within a week we will give our audience the opportunity to share their exciting story, event or brief motivation about a woman for whom they are grateful.

We give our followers the opportunity to share their most touching confession in a comment on the radio's website. The most memorable stories will find a place on the radio air, and the distinguished ladies will be rewarded for their kindness and strength. If you want to connect your brand with inspiring stories about several unique ladies, you can become a sponsor of the game. So every gift we send will be a compliment from your company for an inspirational woman.

Anyone can play and have the opportunity to win a compliment for their inspiration. Whether she is a favorite grandmother, high school teacher, sister, friend, colleague or mother… We at Radio N-JOY will send her the award on behalf of the nominee directly to a convenient address.

In order to increase the interest in the game, we will broadcast promo announcements in the radio's advertising breaks with the mention of our sponsor, and the hosts of the radio will make live announcements, supplemented by sponsorship banners in the program. The presence of the advertiser will be reflected on the website of the radio, where we will create a special subpage with visuals of the brand, information about its activities and the prizes of this thematic game.