The Secrets Of Good Sleep, Shared By Dr. Nedelya Shtonova And Mebeli Videnov

The brand chose the charming face of “Before noon” to talk about the importance of good sleep and rest


The long-time author and host of "the Spirit of Health" Dr. Nedelya Shtonova, who has built confidence in her audience, joined forces with Mebeli Videnov, who made her a part of their blog, full of tips and tricks for a better, harmonious and healthy way of life.

Dr. Shtonova is not only a neurology specialist, but she has also set standards in modern health journalism thanks to her personal and professional qualities. That is why she turned out to be the perfect partner of Mebeli Videnov for sharing the secrets of wholesome sleep and its importance for general health.

In the publication, Dr. Shtonova talks about the rules we must follow for quality and recharging sleep, concerning physical activity, state of mind and habits that affect our ability to recover at night.

She also pays special attention to the principles to follow in choosing the bed and mattress, their positioning in the room, the influence of colors in the bedroom and the type of light on the quality of sleep.

In the blog article Dr. Shtonova supports all the shared advice with arguments that give a clear idea of why it is important to pay special attention to comprehensive rest in a busy day and how each of these factors affects our physical and mental health.

In-depth knowledge in the field of medicine and psychotherapy makes Dr. Nedelya Shtonova an extremely suitable ambassador of brands such as Mebeli Videnov, for whom the health and comfort of their clients are of paramount importance.

Client: Mebeli Videnov

Campaign period: March 2022

Format / show: Blog article